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This Is Lifehacker, Episode 10: Free Money, Free Phone Calls, and Free Space on Dropbox

You've got plenty of things to spend your hard-earned money on, so today's episode of Lifehacker is all about getting more for none. That's right: It's the free stuff episode of Lifehacker.

This episode highlights how to:

We've been incorporating more original video with our posts in the past year, but the Lifehacker show represents a fun new supplement to the site. It doesn't replace what we do here every day, but our hope is that it will offer a new perspective on a few of our favorite tips. So far this season, we've:

Give it a watch and let us know what you think!

Grab it in any format you like: If you don't want to watch it in your browser right now, you can catch the show wherever you want, and in nearly whatever format you like. Visit the episode page on Revision3 to download HD or phone-friendly versions of the show in MP4 or WMV. You can also subscribe in iTunes or via RSS, watch it on YouTube and subscribe to our channel there.

How to Get Free Money, Free Phone Calls and the Best Free Apps! | Revision3

You can contact Adam Pash, the author of this post, at [email protected]. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.