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Everything about getting fitter, staying healthy, and understanding your body and mind
Page 12

Glass of water in front of blurred filtration system
The Best Water Filters to Remove 'Forever Chemicals'
How to Roll a Perfect Joint
How to Roll a Perfect Joint
peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a plate
Why You Don't Need to Refrigerate Peanut Butter
A closeup of a newborn infant's hand, with a hospital bracelet visible, gripping an adult's finger
We're Finally Getting an RSV Vaccine for Babies
Screenshots of TikTok videos: two of lettuce peeling, and one of someone holding a lighter up to a lettuce leaf
TikTok Myth of the Week: There's Plastic on Your Lettuce
salmon and rice on a plate
Here's How Much Protein You Really Need
woman sitting at computer at night, rubbing neck in pain
Prevent Digital Eye Strain With the 20-20-20 Method
This Government Program Will Help Support Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers
This Government Program Will Help Support Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers
The Accessories That'll Make You Actually Use Your Water Bottle
The Accessories That'll Make You Actually Use Your Water Bottle
Photo of Peloton screen showing a Netflix app next to a system browser
Your Peloton Might Have a Secret Netflix App
doctor wearing gloves and holding a patient's hands
Don’t Panic, But Leprosy Might Be Endemic in Florida Now
concerned man checking on friend who is asleep on a bar with an empty beer glass
The Difference Between ‘Sleep It Off’ Drunk and ‘Call 911’ Drunk
TikTok screenshots: "watching people choose OZEMPIC and MOUNJARO when I have a natural alternative..."
TikTok Myth of the Week: Berberine Is 'Nature's Ozempic'
Just Go Buy the Weird Padded Cycling Shorts
Just Go Buy the Weird Padded Cycling Shorts
Why You Need 'Cycling Shoes' to Ride a Spin Bike (and How to Pick Them Out)
Why You Need 'Cycling Shoes' to Ride a Spin Bike (and How to Pick Them Out)
Why the Hell Did We Ever Stop Wearing Sweatbands?
Why the Hell Did We Ever Stop Wearing Sweatbands?
The Difference Between Unplugging and Recharging (and Why It Matters)
The Difference Between Unplugging and Recharging (and Why It Matters)
Your Athletic Peak Is Longer Than You Think
Your Athletic Peak Is Longer Than You Think
This Kind of Tick Bite Can Cause a Meat Allergy
This Kind of Tick Bite Can Cause a Meat Allergy
You Can (Maybe) Get the Benefits of Weed Without Weed
You Can (Maybe) Get the Benefits of Weed Without Weed